Tuesday, December 18, 2012

PSD to Joomla

With the emergence of a new content management system on August 17, 2005, Joomla has achieved many highs since then. The first version of Joomla was released in September 16, 2005, which was in-fact a rebranded release of Mambo, and the latest being the release of an alpha 3.0 version. Some of the features of Joomla over the years are:

PHP based using object-oriented programming techniques Cross platform compatible Page caching and RSS feeds Printable versions of the pages can be generated Supports language internationalization Blogs, polls and search features

Apart from these features, Joomla offers user management and admin management functionalities as well.

In-order to have a fully functional Joomla website, the first step is always the layout. It decides how clean and attractive the look of website is. Photoshop helps to achieve this quite easily. But it can out emulate the functionalities of the website, for which Joomla CMS is a prerequisite. Added to that, directly uploading the large PSD files to the server is a time taking process and not viable. Due to this reason such a conversion is the need of the hour.

Although this conversion sounds relatively easy to achieve, but many other considerations are also to be kept in the mind. Search engine optimisation of pages and cross browser compatibility are some of the important points that has to be ensured while coding. So an expertise support is required.

There are a number of service providers across the internet, but choosing the right one to avail services from is the crucial factor while considering. There are web development and web design company, who have been into this trade for a long time now and have successfully handled a number of projects of clients simultaneously, much to their satisfaction. They have their own expert team of professionals who would like to assist you in converting your PSD into Joomla template. Some of the highlights of services offered are:

Cross browser compatible Joomla themes and templates W3C validation of the codes Easy code are hand written and tested Optimised speed of the web pages Systematic and well structured coding process T3 based framework Flexible module positions in template Search engine friendly Complete ready-to-install Joomla pack 100% assured client satisfaction Affordable price and fast response time 24x7 support and maintenance through emails and chats Detailed easy to understand documentation Avail required modules from our stores, free of cost

So, your wait for the right service provider comes to an end. All you have to do is mail your design in PSD or JPEG or PDF format, and they will take the burden in converting your PSD into Joomla.

PSD to Magento

Built using Zend framework, in the year 2008, Magento has been considered as the best e-commerce content management system available till date. Although, only the community version of Magento is free, yet it still proves to be handy for web-developers and users alike. It too is based on PHP and is compatible across all platforms. It is an open source, rich in features and thereby, supported by more than 110.000 merchants over the globe.

Moreover, highly customizable and flexible e-commerce can be carried out using Magento. Powerful and robust sites can be made that will foster more traffic to the website, which in return will lead to increased revenues. The look of the website can be easily emulated by the help of Adobe Photoshop, so the layout is never a major concern. But Photoshop alone cannot bring out the necessary functionalities in the website, for which we need Magento immensely. Added to that, loading the large-sized PSD files in the server is a time taking process and not advisable.

To provide PSD to Magento services and to assist clients, there are a number of service providers world-over. But to choose the right one best suited, makes the clients overwhelmed. Some proudly boast of being in this field for quite some years now and have successfully dealt with multiple clients and handled multiple projects, effectively. Their dedicated and competent team of experts, rich in latest technical know-how, will take the sole burden of carrying out this conversion.

Some of the features of PSD to Magento template package are:

Each and every code is hand coded lucidly W3C validation of the XHTML/ CSS is a must Test for cross browser compatibility for all major web browsers Size and page loading optimisation Pages are search engine optimised Updated about the status of project regularly Affordable cost and 100% client satisfaction Fast turnaround time 24x7 support and maintenance through mails and chats Avail necessary modules from our Magento stores, free of cost Money back guarantee, incase we fail to deliver

Thus if you want to have your own Magento website, then feel free to contact or request a quote. All you have to do is mail your Photoshop design of your website in PSD or JPEG or PDF format.

The developers will analyse the design and according set a price and time quote for the project. On confirmation and 50% payment, the development process will start on our local server. Then they would insist to go through it and check for issues and recommend modifications, if any. On payment of the balance, their team will make the complete setup on the client's server.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

PHP Coding for Beginners

What is PHP?

PHP is what's known as a server side scripting language. To put it simply, all php code is processed on a server and anything that is outputted by the code is sent to the browser as html. It allows website users to gain controlled access to server based resources, e.g. database and files based on the server.

Starting your php code

All php code is wrapped like so... <?php PHP CODE GOES HERE?>

Anything within these tags will be processed by the server as html.


A variable is a way of storing information. For example you can set a variables value to anything you wish. e.g.

$variable1 = "hello";

Here we set a variable named "variable1" equal to "hello". Notice the dollar sign, this tells the server that we are setting a variable. Also the line is ended with a semi-colon, this tells the server that the variable is finished being set. Semi-colons are to be used to separate code and allow the server to read and process the code correctly.

Variables can also be joined e.g.

$variable2 = $variable1.$variable3;

Comparing variables

Variables can be compared using an "if" statement as follows:

if($variable1 == $variable2) {

$variable4 = "yes";

} else {

$variable4 = "no";


The if statement works by comparing the values of variable 1 and 2. If they are equal then variable 4 will be set to yes, if they are not then variable 4 will be set to no.

The basics of the if statement works in the following way:

If anything within the brackets returns true then run the code within the squiggly brackets "{}". If an else statement is present (not essential) then if whatever was in the brackets returned false the code within the second set of squiggly brackets will be run.

Note the use of the double equals, this is to tell the server we are comparing two values and not setting the value of a variable.

Outputting simple data

Up to now we have not written any code which would output any html.

Here we learn about the echo function. This functions prints data out to the page as follows:

echo("hello"); //returns hello

echo($variable1); //returns the value of variable1

Note the use of the semi colon again to terminate the line.

Now you've learnt the real basics

You'll be surprised how much this simple tutorial can help you. Although these are the real basics they are used in every single php page I have programmed in my 8 years of programming.

Try and create a php file to output data, depending on the value of a few variables using what you've learnt about variables, the if statement and echo function.

Check back next week for another lesson.

What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?   How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development   Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   Buying a Website Domain: Keeping Up With Business Trend   Sell Better Through an E-Store   

Planning A Website Launch: Aspects Of Web Development And Web Designing

Web Development process of a website is a series of steps which is generally completed via firms which develops websites professionally. This is both advised and followed, as web development and web designing needs a lot of technical knowledge as well as expertise for efficiency. But it doesn't mean that you will be totally dependent on the web development firm for the whole process, you can plan ahead about the website. Get the rough designs in shape so that you are able to convey exactly what you want.

Here are a few tips to help you design your website before the actual web development.

Firstly, know what you want, a structure of website should be clear in your mind so that you can efficiently communicate the same to the web development team that is going to work on the project. This includes both design and functionality of the website. Web designing can be done with as much creativity and originality that you can possibly imagine in your mind. Original and positive ideas always click with the audience, copied ideas can be easily recognized and it will cause a negative publicity about your website. That is why you should know what you want.

Secondly, you may visit numerous websites to get an understanding of all that is possible with your designs and functionality, but this should be limited to generation of understanding on how the web works. Taking ideas from already established websites is always a bad idea. Your website should have a unique quotient, which will be the reason your customers will visit it repeatedly. Web development majorly deals with the functionality of the website and it can be used to integrate different functionality in the website. These will change the feel of the website, and this could be the unique quotient that has been mentioned above.

While making a plan on the website designing, you also need to think about the theme of the whole website. The theme should preferably be relevant to the services/product that your company is dealing. Even otherwise the theme creates an elegance and beauty in the site when efficiently produced through web designing procedures. Nothing too illustrious or dazzling will work to attract customers to visit the website repeatedly.

Also while deciding the theme to be implemented through web designing, the color combination should be considered as really important. The colors used throughout the website should not be too bright that they pinch the vision or too dull that you have to strain the eyes to read the content. Good web designing firms will always give you design portfolios to choose from and they can be a good source of selecting the theme and theme colors.

The content rules the web; you should prepare the content that will be put on the website. The content can be efficiently handled via a CMS or Content Management System, which can be developed by the firm which is doing the web development for your website. When dealing with huge amounts of content it is always advisable to get a CMS developed by the web development firm so that it is easier for you to manage the content throughout the website.

Lastly, don't think about web development and web designing as different procedures, make your web development firm interact with you on daily basis while planning as well as development is taking place so that they understand exactly what you need and you understand exactly what is being produced for you. Get into the development process so that a clear understanding is developed in your mind about the product that is being developed for you.

Planning your website, before the actual development procedures are kick started by the web designing and web development firm, is as crucial the actual product development so get your game shoes on.

What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?   How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development   Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   Buying a Website Domain: Keeping Up With Business Trend   Sell Better Through an E-Store   Tips To Improve Coding And Web Development   

Why You Should Be Using CSSLint In Web Development

CSSLint is software that has been designed to look at code and flag any bad programming practices that may have occurred during the web development process. Whilst you may think that you are total coding genius, it is important to remember that no one is perfect and that, sometimes, little mistakes manage to slip through. This is why it is beneficial to have these sorts of tools to help us out.

So, should we be using the CSSLint tool regularly as a part of finalizing the web development process? There are a number of differing opinions on the matter - some developers say that it never hurts to have someone else look over your work, whilst others would be completely horrified at being asked to even consider such a thing. The latter tends to be very clinging with their code and don't like anyone to tamper with it.

At the end of the day, however, it is important to remember that CSSLint is just a tool that we can utilize to ensure that we are producing the best code and, therefore, websites possible. It isn't going to send out alarm bells if it notices a mistake; it isn't going to send your boss an email chewing you out; and it certainly isn't going to make you feel inadequate. It's just helpful for picking up on things that we may have missed.

In answer to the question, should we be using the CSSLint tool to help finalize the web development process, yes we really should. Code can be a highly complex entity, which can make it near impossible to spot mistakes at times, so we really do need all the help we can get. Wouldn't it be much easier to fix mistakes using a tool that can pinpoint the general problem area?

What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?   How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development   Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   Sell Better Through an E-Store   Tips To Improve Coding And Web Development   

The Latest Evolution in the Apple OS Clan - iOS 6!


iOS 6 is an operating system for iPhones introduced on June 11, 2012 and will be available for download by September 19, 2012. At a conference held by Apple in San Francisco on September 12, 2012 they showcased the upcoming releases of three latest offerings from Apple namely iPhone 5 and iPod Touch of the fifth generation as well as iOS 6 which will initially support both iPhone 5 and iPod Touch (fifth generation). Later iOS 6 will support Apple devices such as iPad 2 and advanced models, iPod Touch (generation four) and advanced models, iPhone 3GS and advanced models. Let's glimpse at a few amongst the 200 odd features offered by iOS 6:-


A voice assistant which helps the users by predicting the weather, answering questions, reminding meetings, providing latest statistics and score, giving information regarding movies, restaurants locations and reviews, flight information, games, social networking, etc. But most importantly now Siri can be used in any application which is launched by the user. It provides an additional support to multiple languages such as Mandarin, Italian, Korean, Spanish, etc..


Navigating through maps will change the way of looking at the world. The elements present in it, i.e. text and graphics, are detailed and with vector graphics. This results in an incredible zooming, panning, rotating and tilting to view places, streets and areas. Real time updates of traffic are available through voice and visual navigation. The bird eye's view will show your exact positioning and will guide you to your destination. Through Siri, voice directions can be achieved without touching the phone.


With this application, calls related to FaceTime can be through Wi-Fi as well as the cellular networks. Thus, FaceTime can be used any time in order to emote expressions related to an eye, smile, air kisses, wink, etc. and will be available only with latest versions of the iPhone and the iPad.

Call Features:-

iOS 6 adds multiple features of calling. It reminds the user by giving a call back reminder or a message in case the incoming phone is rejected. When "Do Not Disturb" facility is turned on then you won't be receiving calls from anyone except the ones who have not been barred from the contact list.


Email service in iOS 6 lets users create a VIP list where important messages from selected people are not missed. It is also easier to add videos and photos to email messages and with just a single swipe, mailbox could be refreshed anytime.


With this application, electronic versions of loyalty cards, retail coupons, movie tickets, boarding passes, admission tickets, etc. can be accessed and stored easily. Scanning could be performed in case you want to redeem these whenever required. Passbook also alerts the user regarding the change in information regarding admission, boarding, movie, coupons or cards, etc. and even displays automatically at the right place at the right time even when the lock screen is kept on.

Facebook Integration:-

Social network interaction will now be much easier with Facebook integration with other applications and services. This means that Facebook comes integrated with the Camera, Maps, Game Center, Siri, Calendar, Contacts, etc. Only thing required in this case is your logging into the Facebook and then your updates will automatically be posted on it. Also changing information of your friends will be reflected automatically in your Facebook friends list.

Shared Photo Streaming:-

Photos can now be shared with only a few selected people using iOS 6 devices or Mountain Lion based devices. Just select photos from Photosapp, click Share button and choose contact with whom you want to share. Streams of shared photos can also be seen on Apple TV and people without Apple devices can see it on the web. It lets you share unlimited photos over the cellular and Wi-Fi networks.


With the new advanced Apple's own Safari browser, now users can view a full screen sized web page using Landscape mode, save a web page for later offline reading, and can even share streams of the photo. iCloud Tab helps users to start from the same web page where they discontinued last and continue from there onwards on other Apple devices.


iOS 6 have various features meant for physically disabled people related to mobility, learning, hearing and vision. Guided Access allows an administrator, teacher or a parent to limit iOS device to only one application by turning off the home button and also restriction is implemented for touching areas of the screen randomly. Voice-over, a screen reader, is meant for low vision or blind people which is integrated with Zoom, Assistive Touch and Maps. In addition, Apple is working on manufacturing hearing aids specifically made for the iPhone which will deliver an audio experience high in digital quality and efficient power saving as well.

Find My iPhone:-

With this application, your iPhone can be tracked in case of having lost or misplaced it. You are able to check into the application on another iPhone with the same application. Also you can immediately lock your iPhone using a 4 digit password using this application on other iPhone and also send a message on your iPhone to inform back on the number being in use to locate.

Find My Friends:-

With this application you can share locations with family and friends. When locations are being shared then the people associated with it can easily see the current position of each other on the maps and also get location based alerts regarding the same.

Revamped Stores:-

The best of books, applications, shows, movies, music can be seen using iBook Store, App Store and iTunes Store. All these are present on the homepage and only swiping is required to browse through it. History and product collection can be traced and shopping can continue from in across Apple devices using iCloud.


iOS 6 adds a whole lot of new features to the iPhone but what's disappointing is that iOS 6 is not compatible with every Apple device. However, we can expect evolutions to take place at regular intervals.

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What Makes A Website Successful On The Internet?   How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development   Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   Sell Better Through an E-Store   Buying a Website Domain: Keeping Up With Business Trend   Tips To Improve Coding And Web Development   

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